London Tamil Market 2020 to be postponed
We are reaching out to all our exhibitors, partners, attendees and suppliers to provide an update and further clarity about this year’s event.
With the current situation regards to spreading of COVID-19, we have made the very difficult decision to postpone London Tamil Market 2020 (LTM 2020). Due to the magnitude and unanticipated public health and safety issues posed by the rapidly escalating COVID-19, we feel that this is the most sensible option to protect the safety of everyone concerned.
We have now decided to postpone the LTM 2020 towards the latter part of this year when the COVID-19 threat is completely eliminated and the country returns to normality.
We are in uncharted territory, but firmly believe that moving the dates is in everyone’s best interest. In these extraordinary times, it is especially important for all of us to stand together and support each other. We fully understand and appreciate the level of planning that is required to attend and participate at LTM 2020. This was a very difficult decision to make and we appeal to you for your understanding.
We thank you all for your continued participation and support.